Hard to pinpoint exactly the genesis of Stars by Liz, so I’ll give you a rundown of a few key points along the way.

First of all, I was raised on a tiny island off the coast of Maine by my parents who were part of the back to land movement…which perhaps explains their openness to astrology 🙂 They went to an astrologer in Maine, Arifa Boehler, when I was twelve and got a reading for our entire family. I remember listening to the recording and thinking, how does this woman know this stuff? I could feel the truth of it through my entire being. After that, I asked for a reading for my birthday throughout high school, and her words were such a comfort to me (as in, “you have a lot of Aquarius energy, it’s going to get better after high school for you when you can choose your own teachers.” Truth.)
Fast forward a few years to when I was 19, when I decided to move to Seattle. I soon realized that Seattle was a hotbed of astrology, and I started taking classes and learning as much as I could. Then I was fortunate to be a part of an apprentice program for two years with the famed astrologer Steven Forrest (I grew up reading his books, so I definitely qualify as a fangirl!). I started doing readings for friends in the midst of all this and that led to trades with amazing healers and then paid readings. Somewhere in there, I started sending out my Stars by Liz forecasts. And, minus a recent two-year break to have a baby, I consistently sent out my popular bi-weekly forecasts for over a decade.

On a parallel track to all of this astrology activity, I got through college and grad school, attending the pioneering Bainbridge Graduate Institute/Pinchot University (now a part of Presidio Graduate School), and receiving an MBA in sustainable business. The program was founded on the premise that business can be a catalyst for positive change in the world when done in a conscious way. That it’s possible to create thriving companies based on benefiting the planet, people, and profit. What interested me most about all this was the personal and human aspect of sustainability. If it’s really true that we have all the technical and financial resources we need to address the more pressing environmental and social issues we face, then the core issues are really ones of leadership and having right relationships with each other.
I believe this right relationship starts with ourselves, with treating yourself as you would like to be treated. It’s easier said than done! And part of feeding right relationships is making sure we are all on a steady diet of connection and meaning in our lives, two things that I think people are starving for in our modern culture.t
Which brings me to my goals for y’all with Stars by Liz:
To continually create and enjoy the life you have.
To celebrate and align with what has heart and meaning for you.
It would thrill me beyond belief if my work in any way assists you in decreasing stress and increasing your felt sense of co-creating with the universe. Thank you so much for reading and exploring Stars by Liz.
Love and blessings,